
2 Make audio output settings.
If you’ve selected ASIO as the “device type.”
“Driver name:” Selects the driver (device).
“Sampling rate”: Specifies the sampling rate. The range will depend on the device you
selected in “Driver name.”
“Output channels”: Specifies the output channels. This will always be a pair such as 1-2 or
3-4. The settings will depend on the device you selected in “Driver name.”
“Input channels”: Specifies the input channels. This will always be a pair such as 1-2 or 3-4.
The settings will depend on the device you selected in “Driver name.”
“Clock source”: Selects the clock source for the audio. The settings will depend on the
device you selected in “Driver name.”
“ASIO settings panel”: You can click this to open the settings panel for the ASIO driver.
The specifications and operation will depend on the driver you use. For details, refer to the
owner’s manual for the audio interface you’re using.
You won’t be able to select this if an ASIO driver has not been installed in your computer.
It will be unavailable.
If you’ve selected DirectSound or MME as the “device type”
“Output driver name”: Selects the driver (device) that will be used for output. In some
cases, the same driver will be displayed multiple times. Select one of them.
“Input driver name”: Selects the driver (device) that will be used for input. In some cases,
the same driver will be displayed multiple times. Select one of them.
“Bit depth / Rate / Channels”: Selects the audio format. The range will depend on the
device you selected in “Input driver name.”
“Number of buffers”: Specifies the number of buffers used for audio processing. A higher
number will make operation more stable, but will also increase the latency.
“Number of samples”: Specifies the number of samples in each buffer. A higher number
will make operation more stable, but will also increase the latency.
Note: Latency is the time from when the computer receives the note-on message until sound
is produced. Latency is determined by the number of samples per buffer multiplied by the
number of buffers. Set the “Number of buffers” and the “Number of samples” to the lowest
value that will still allow stable operation.
Note: Refer to the owner’s manual of your audio interface for details on audio interface set-
“Bit depth / Rate / Channels”: Selects the audio format. The range will depend on the
device you selected in “Device.”
“Input channels”: This selection will be available if the device has inputs. This will always
be a pair such as 1-2 or 3-4. The settings will depend on the device you selected in “Driver
“Output channels”: If you’ve selected “Internal audio,” the only available setting will be
If an audio interface is installed in your computer, other choices will also be available.
“Clock source”: Selects the clock source. The indication will depend on the device you
selected in Driver Name. This selection will be unavailable for internal audio and other
devices that do not have a clock source.
“Buffer size”: Specifies the buffer size for audio processing. Higher settings will produce
more stable operation, but will also increase the latency.