
Steinberg - Cubase 4
Start up Cubase 4, and from the menu choose “Devices” -> “Device Setup.” In VST
Audio System, make sure that M3 (KORG EXB-FW ASIO Driver) is not selected as the
audio device, regardless of the driver type.
If you’re using only the ASIO driver, you can make the following settings to prevent the
M3 from being accidentally specified.
1 Start up Cubase 4.
2 From the Devices menu, choose Device Setup. In VST Audio System, select the KORG
EXB-FW ASIO Driver as the ASIO Driver. Then clear the Visible checkmarks for all of
the M3 I/O ports shown in the KORG EXB-FW ASIO Driver setting.
Using the M3 as a plug-in instrument
1 Start up Cubase 4 and open a session.
2 In the VST instrument window, start up “M3 Plug-In Editor.”
3 You can also create a MIDI track at this time. Press the [Create] button to create a MIDI
track and automatically assign the M3 Plug-In Editor to that MIDI track.