
Ableton - Live 6
Start up Live, and from the menu choose “Option” -> “Preferences” -> Audio,” and
verify that M3 (KORG EXB-FW ASIO Driver) is not selected as the audio device,
regardless of the driver type.
Using the M3 as a plug-in instrument
1 Start up Live 6 and open a Live set. Choose View -> Session.
2 Open the Plug-in Devices browser. From the KORG folder, drag “M3 Plug-In Editor”
and drop it onto the MIDI track you’re using. The editor will start up. Audio outputs
L/R will be input to Master. In the MIDI track view, verify that “M3 Plug-In Editor” is
3 If you want to use multi-channel output, create an audio track. In the Audio From field
of the audio track, select the MIDI track for which “M3 Plug-In Editor” started up.
4 As the audio track’s routing point, you’ll be able to select Individual output. Select the
“M3 Plug-In Editor” output that you want to input to the audio track.
From top to bottom, the choices will be Individual 1/2/3/4 (each is a mono output).