User's Manual

Manual Operation Overview
The OSMAC Base Station is used to operate the E-Series OSMAC and adapted OSMAC RDR-Type system. Operation
can be performed using the built-in keypad, a hand-held radio, or a telephone. The database stored in the OSMAC Base
Station is pre-configured for satellite address numbers from 1 through 399. Therefore, no database configuration is nec-
essary for manual operation.
Keypad Operation
An E-Series OSMAC system can be manually operated by the user with the OSMAC Base Station keypad.
While in normal paging mode, the “PAGER NO =” prompt will be shown on the LCD. To issue a command to a satellite,
the user must enter the satellite address number by typing it on the keypad and then pressing the F1 (Enter) key. The
prompt on the LCD will change to “ENTER MESSAGE.” At this point, the user can enter the satellite command to be
issued to the satellite controller. The satellite command will be transmitted by the base station after the user presses the
F1 key or base station time-out.
The following example shows how to command satellite address number 33 to turn on station 17 for 5 minutes:
LCD Displays: "PAGER NO ="
User Enters: 33 F1
User Enters: 75180517 F1
The OSMAC Base Station will now transmit the satellite command. A description of all possible satellite commands is located
in Appendix B.
Hand-Held Radio Operation
Satellite commands for the OSMAC Base Station can be initiated remotely by using a hand-held radio with a DTMF key-
pad. Enter the keypad sequence 9 on the hand-held radio to notify the OSMAC Base Station that a satellite command
is being initiated remotely. The base station will respond with “ENTER PAGER NUMBER.” The satellite address number
to be controlled can now be entered on the hand-held radio keypad. The satellite number must be three digits, and lead-
ing zeros must be added to satellite number that are shorter than three digits. For example, to enter satellite number 47,
047 must be entered on the hand-held radio keypad.
After the satellite address number is entered, the OSMAC Base Station will respond with “ENTER THE MESSAGE.”
Note: If a satellite address number is not entered within a few seconds, the Base Station will respond with “TIME-OUT
ERROR,” and the user must re-enter the
9 sequence if a manual command is to be sent.
The user may now enter the command to be sent using the DTMF keypad on the hand-held radio. Once the satellite
command has been entered, the base station will respond with “MESSAGE DELIVERED.”
Optionally, the whole command code sequence including
9, the three digit address and the satellite command to be
sent, can be entered all at once without waiting for the voice prompts from the OSMAC Base Station. This allow users
that are familiar with the OSMAC Base Station operation to enter commands more quickly.
The following example demonstrates how to send a satellite command from the hand-held radio to instruct satellite
address number 13 to turn on stations 3, 4, and 5 for one hour and 15 minutes:
User Enters:
OSMAC Base Station Response: "ENTER PAGER NUMBER"
User Enters: 013
OSMAC Base Station Response: "ENTER THE MESSAGE"
User Enters: 7517011500030405
OSMAC Base Station Response: "MESSAGE DELIVERED"
The user will now hear the satellite command being transmitted from the OSMAC Base Station.
Any of the satellite commands (listed in Appendix B) which can be entered through the built-in keypad of the OSMAC
Base Station, can also be entered through a hand-held radio. In addition, there are a few special commands that are
available to enhance manual operation through a hand-held radio. These extra satellite commands are also described in
Appendix B.