User's Manual

System Configuration Guide
Adding a Modem to the WMTS – p. 48
7. Now change directories to the ipLease directory (in a DOS window) and
type “dhcpgen cm” to generate the machine-readable files for the
ipLease DHCP server. The output should indicate “successful” as
shown below. If not, check to make sure you have shutdown the iplease
server or that you have not mistyped something in the CM.SRC file.
8. Restart the ipLease server. After compilation the command “dhcpsvr”
must be executed from the same directory to read the compiled files and
restart the ipLease DHCP server.
5.2.2 Windows 200x Server Edition: Modifying the DHCP
Note: This section applies only if your configuration uses
Microsoft Windows 200x Server Edition as the DHCP
Bind the modem MAC Address to its IP Address and modem configuration file by
entering the appropriate information in popup windows. First bring up the DHCP
Administrative Tool by clicking on the “Start” button on the main windows screen
then choosing “Administrative Tools” and finally “DHCP”. See the following
screen shots:
1. Locate and open the DHCP program by using:
Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->DHCP
The DHCP window should open on the desktop as shown in Figure 5-14:
Expand “Reservations”