User's Manual

System Configuration Guide
Configuring a T1 Connection – p. 77
6.1 Configure the Modem for T1 Operation
In this section instructions are provided for using the CMConfigFile Editor to edit
the modem configuration file which will be downloaded to the modem. When the
edits on the following pages are complete, copy or move the modem
configuration file to the directory being used by the TFTP Server (usually this will
be something like “C:\vyyo\mic”). You may also save it directly to the TFTP
directory using the “Save” menu option of the CMConfigFile Editor.
NOTE: This file name must be bound to this modem’s
MAC address by using the appropriate DHCP tool for the
particular system being used (Edit the CM.SRC file if
ipLease is being used. If the Windows 200x Server
Edition DHCP Administrative tool is being used then set
the “bpBootfile” name to the name of the modem’s
configuration file).
1. Set the Downstream Frequency by selecting “General Parameters” then
double clicking on the “Downstream Frequency (Hz)” parameter as
shown. This is the frequency which the modem will use to receive
(downstream) transmissions from the WMTS. This procedure for
configuring the downstream channels is described in Setting the
Downstream Frequency.
Figure 6-1: Set the Downstream Frequency Value