User's Manual

Page 55
Aspect defines the constraints of the tablet to screen relationship. ASPECT options include:
PROPORTIONAL. Maintains correct vertical and
horizontal proportions between the tablet and display.
A traced image appears proportionally correct on your
display, but may be smaller or larger than the original
TO FIT. Correct scale or proportions are not maintained.
The selected tablet area is mapped to the selected
display area. A traced image may appear stretched, and
may be smaller or larger than the original image. This is
the default setting for all tools.
ONE TO ONE. Sets a 1:1 scale between the tablet and
the display. Moving your tool one inch on the tablet will
move the cursor one inch on the screen. A traced image
appears the same size as the original image on your
display screen. A screen resolution of 72 DPI is used in
calculations. If your monitor is set to use a different
screen resolution, a 1:1 scale will not be maintained.