Owner`s manual

Fa ure to fo ow the
warn ngs and nstruct ons may resu t n e ectr c shock, re and/or ser ous njury.
 C uttered benches and dark areas nv te acc dents.
 Power too s create sparks wh ch may gn te the dust or
 D stract ons can
cause you to ose contro .
Unmod ed p ugs and match ng
out ets w reduce r sk of e ectr c shock.
 There s an ncreased r sk of e ectr c shock f your body s earthed
or grounded.
 Water entering a power
tool will increase the risk of electric shock.
 Damaged or
entang ed cords ncrease the r sk of e ectr c shock.
Use of a cord su tab e for outdoor use reduces the r sk of e ectr c shock.
 Use of an GFCI reduces the r sk of e ectr c shock.
A moment of nattent on wh e operat ng power too s may resu t n ser ous njury.
 Protect ve equ pment
such as dust masks, non-sk d safety shoes, hard hat, or hear ng protect on used for
appropr ate cond t ons w reduce persona njur es.
Carry ng power too s w th your nger on the sw tch or energ z ng power too s that have the
sw tch on nv tes acc dents.
 A wrench or a
key eft attached to a rotat ng part of the power too may resu t n persona njury.
 Th s enab es better
contro of the power too n unexpected s tuat ons.
 Loose c othes, jewe ery or ong ha r can be caught n
mov ng parts.
 Use of dust co ect on can reduce dust-
re ated hazards.