Certifications 2

EU safety data sheet
Trade name: Hardened PUR gel
Product no.: F21
Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 13.07.2020
Replaced version: -, issued: -
Region: GB
Page 3 of 8
Advice on safe handling
Observe the usual precautions for handling chemicals. Refer to protective measures listed in section 8.
General protective and hygiene measures
Observe the usual precautions when handling chemicals. Do not eat or drink during work - no smoking. Wash hands
before breaks and after work. Ensure sufficient room ventilation. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
Advice on protection against fire and explosion
Keep away from sources of ignition - refrain from smoking. When heating the product, explosive vapour-air mixtures
can be formed. Take precautionary measures against static charges.
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Technical measures and storage conditions
Keep containers dry and cool.
Requirements for storage rooms and vessels
Keep in original packaging, tightly closed.
Incompatible products
Do not store together with oxidizing agents.
Specific end use(s)
No data available.
SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection
Control parameters
No parameters available for monitoring.
Exposure controls
Appropriate engineering controls
Provide good ventilation.
Personal protective equipment
Respiratory protection
If ventilation insufficient, use a respiratory protection apparatus.
Eye / face protection
Safety glasses recommended
Hand protection
Sufficient protection is given wearing suitable protective gloves checked according to i.e. EN 374, in the event of risk
of skin contact with the product. Before use, the protective gloves should be tested in any case for its specific work-
station suitability (i.e. mechanical resistance, product compatibility and antistatic properties). Adhere to the
manufacturer’s instructions and information relating to the use, storage, care and replacement of protective gloves.
Protective gloves shall be replaced immediately when physically damaged or worn. Design operations thus to avoid
permanent use of protective gloves.
In case of short-term contact / splash protection:
Appropriate Material
nitrile rubber
Material thickness
Breakthrough time
Check suitability of protective clothing for the specific workplace conditions. Chemical resistance of the protective
equipment should be discussed with the manufacturer of the protective equipment.
Environmental exposure controls
No data available.
SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties
Information on basic physical and chemical properties