User Manual

40 List of Figures WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-1607 Field Side Connection 8+/8-
Version 1.0.2
Pos: 71 /Dokumentati on allgemein/Verzeic hnisse/Abbildungs verzeichnis - ohne Glieder ung - und Verzeichnis @ 3\ mod_1219222916765_ 21.doc @ 21080 @ @ 1
List of Figures
Figure 1: View....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2: Data contacts.......................................................................................... 15
Figure 3: Power jumper contacts........................................................................... 16
Figure 4: Connections ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: Schematic diagram................................................................................. 19
Figure 6: Insert I/O module................................................................................... 24
Figure 7: Snap the I/O module into place.............................................................. 25
Figure 8: Removing the I/O module...................................................................... 25
Figure 9: Connecting a conductor to a CAGE CLAMP
S................................... 26
Figure 10: Side marking example for ATEX and IEC Ex approved I/O modules
according to CENELEC and IEC ................................................................ 28
Figure 11: Printing Text detail – Marking example for ATEX and IEC Ex
approved I/O modules according to CENELEC and IEC............................ 28
Figure 12: Side marking example for Ex i and IEC Ex i approved I/O modules
according to CENELEC and IEC ................................................................ 29
Figure 13: Text detail – Marking example for Ex i and IEC Ex i approved I/O
modules according to CENELEC and IEC.................................................. 29
Figure 14: Side marking example for I/O modules according to NEC 500 .......... 31
Figure 15: Text detail – Marking example for I/O modules according to NEC 500
...................................................................................................................... 31
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