User Manual

e!DISPLAY 7300T Running Visualization 93
762-300X Web Panels
Version 1.1.0
stored there.
Due to the properties given by the technologies used, the following points should
be considered:
The response time depends on the number, type and characteristics of the
objects displayed. The smaller the number of objects displayed per page, the
faster the panel responds.
Since a visualization page is first fully constructed in the random access memory
before being displayed, there is a delay in displaying the page for the first time
after it is called up.
When changing the visualization page, a copy of the page remains in the cache
memory, allowing the paged to be displayed significantly faster the next time it is
called up.
Because the size of the cache memory is limited, not all pages can be
maintained in the memory depending on the application. As a result, there can be
some delay again in the course of time when switching the visualization pages.
The response time also depends on the mode of transmission selected: not
encrypted http or encrypted https. See also section 7 “Commissioning” >
“Configuring in the Web-Based Management (WBM)” > “WBM Page ‘Ports and
Services>Network Services’”. The bug-proof https encryption is achieved by an
additional layer between http and TCP, which happens at the expense of the
transmission speed and display speed.
8.5.2 CODESYS 2 Web Visualizations
To use textboxes in CODESYS 2 visualizations (WAGO-I/O-PRO), the following
To ensure that textboxes are correctly displayed in the later visualization, use the
“Liberation Fonts” that are preinstalled on all e!DISPLAY panels at the factory.
Install the WAGO Target Support Package (min. Rev. 110022) on your
engineering PC that also installs the “Liberation Fonts” on your computer.
The WAGO Target Support Package is available from WAGO Support at the e-
mail address:
Alternatively, you have the option of installing any font available to you in the
“True Type Font” file format on the panel using the “Font Upload” function in the
function menu (see section 4 “Function Description” > “Font Upload”). Pay
attention to any existing license terms for the font. Also note that all fonts used in
the visualization must be installed on the engineering PC and on the panel.
When using textboxes in the CODESYS 2 Web visualization, the CODESYS 2
keypad or numpad must be used. The virtual keyboard of the panel does not
If you do not use communication encryption in your application (see also section
Response Time”), communication via http is recommended from the standpoint
of response time. In this case, please use the following URL for a WAGO
http://<IP address or name of the WAGO controller>:8080/webvisu.htm