User Manual

120 Commissioning Touch Panel Advanced Line
762-5xxx/8000-000x TP 600
Version 1.3.0
</dg_ “Configuration of NTP Client” Page
The settings for the NTP service are shown on the “Configuration of NTP Client”
page. “NTP Client Configuration” Group
Table 85: WBM “Configuration of NTP Client” Page “NTP Client Configuration” Group
Service enabled
Enable/disabled time update.
Service Result
This displays whether time data was accessible and
updated via NTP.
This field is only displayed with the NTP service
Time server not
available until now
The time data was not yet
Time server available
The time data was updated.
Time Server n
Enter here the IP addresses of up to 4 time servers.
Time server No. 1 is requested first of all. If no data
is accessible via this server, time server No. 2 is
requested etc.
Update interval (sec)
Specify here the update interval of the time server.
Additionally used
(assigned by DHCP)
The NTP servers assigned if necessary by DHCP
(or BootP) are displayed. If no NTP server has been
assigned by DHCP (or BootP), “none” is displayed.
Click the [Submit] button to apply the changes. The changes are effective
immediately. “NTP Single Request” Group
To update the time immediately, irrespective of the update interval, click [Update
Time Now].