User Manual

Touch Panel Advanced Line Commissioning 145
762-5xxx/8000-000x TP 600
Version 1.3.0
8.6 New WBM
8.6.1 General Information about the Page
Figure 26: WBM Browser Window New WBM (Example)
The new WBM does not have a start page like the legacy version of the WBM.
You can only open the WBM pages when logged in.
The tabs are found in the header. The tabs bring you to the various sections of
the WBM. You can switch between the “Information,” “Configuration”, “Security”
and “Diagnostictabs as long as the user account that is logged in has the
corresponding access rights. The tabs contain subsections of the WBM, which
are divided into pages and groups.
When the software is opened on a desktop, if the browser window is too narrow
for all the tabs fit next to each other, a tab with three dots appears on the right.
When you click on this tab, a pull-down menu appears for the hidden tabs and
the various areas that do not currently fit on the screen. You can use the
[Reboot] button to reboot the Touch Panel. Rebooting may take a few minutes
(see section “Reboot Function”). With the [Logout] button, you can log the
current user out if you do not want to use the interface any longer. You then
return to the login prompt.
The navigation tree is shown on the left of the browser window. You can use this
navigation tree to go to the individual pages and, where provided, subpages