User Manual

198 List of Tables Touch Panel Advanced Line
762-5xxx/8000-000x TP 600
Version 1.3.0
Table 46: WBM “Configuration of Host and Domain Name” Page “Domain
Name” Group ............................................................................................86
Table 47: WBM “TCP/IP Configuration” Page “IP Configuration (Xn)” Group(s)
Table 48: WBM “TCP/IP Configuration” Page “Default Gateway n” Group ......88
Table 49: WBM “TCP/IP Configuration” Page “DNS Server” Group .................89
Table 50: WBM “Ethernet Configuration” Page “Switch Configuration” Group .90
Table 51: WBM “Ethernet Configuration” Page “Interface Xn” Groups .............91
Table 52: WBM “Routing” Page “General Routing Configuration” Group .........92
Table 53: WBM “Routing” Page “Static Routes“ Group ....................................93
Table 54: WBM “Routing” Page “IP-Masquerading” Group ..............................94
Table 55: WBM “Routing” Page “Port Forwarding” Group ...............................95
Table 56: WBM “General Firewall Configuration” Page “Global Firewall
Parameters” Group ...................................................................................96
Table 57: WBM “General Firewall Configuration” Page “Firewall Parameter
Interface xxx” Group ..................................................................................97
Table 58: WBM “Configuration of MAC Address Filter” Page “Global MAC
Address Filter State” Group .......................................................................98
Table 59: WBM “Configuration of MAC Address Filter” Page “MAC Address
Filter State Xn” Group ...............................................................................99
Table 60: WBM “Configuration of MAC Address Filter” Page “MAC Address
Filter Whitelist” Group ...............................................................................99
Table 61: WBM “Configuration of User Filter” Page “User Filter” Group ....... 100
Table 62: WBM “Configuration of User Filter” Page “User Filter n” Group ..... 100
Table 63: WBM “Configuration of User Filter” Page “Add New User Filter”
Group ...................................................................................................... 101
Table 64: WBM “Configuration of Time and Date” Page “Date on Device” Group
................................................................................................................ 102
Table 65: WBM “Configuration of Time and Date” Page “Time on Device”
Group ...................................................................................................... 102
Table 66: WBM “Configuration of Time and Date” Page “Time Zone” Group . 103
Table 67: WBM “Configuration of Time and Date” Page “TZ String” Group ... 104
Table 68: WBM “Configuration of the users for the Web-based Management”
Page “Change Password for Selected User” Group ............................. 105
Table 69: WBM “Create Bootable Image” page “Create bootable image from
active partition” Group ............................................................................. 106
Table 70: WBM “Configuration of Serial Interface RS232” Page “Assign Owner
of Serial Interface” Group ........................................................................ 107
Table 71: WBM “Configuration of Serial Interface RS-232” page “Assign Owner
of Service Interface” Group ..................................................................... 108
Table 72: “Firmware-Backup” WBM Page ........................................................ 110
Table 73: “Firmware Restore” WBM Page ........................................................ 112
Table 74: WBM “Mass Storage” Page “<Device Name>” Group .................... 115
Table 75: WBM “Mass Storage” Page “<Device Name> - create new filesystem
Group ...................................................................................................... 115
Table 76: WBM “Software Uploads” Page “Upload New Software” Group ..... 116
Table 77: WBM “Software Uploads” Page “Activate New Software” Group ... 116
Table 78: WBM “Configuration of Network Services” Page “Telnet” Group .... 117
Table 79: WBM “Configuration of Network Services” Page “FTP” Group ....... 117
Table 80: WBM “Configuration of Network Services” Page “FTPS” Group .... 117