User Manual

Touch Panel Marine Line Commissioning 137
762-6xxx/8000-000x TP 600
Version 1.1.0 “Add New v3 User” Group
You can enter 10 users.
Table 106: WBM “Configuration of SNMP v3 Users” Page “Add New v3 User” Group
Security Authentication
Enter the user name here. This name must be
unique; a pre-existing user name is not accepted
when entered here. The name can have a min. 8
and max. 32 characters and may contain lower case
letters (a z), upper case letters (A Z), numbers
(0 9), special characters !()*~'.-_ but no spaces.
Authentication Type
Specify the authentication type for the SNMP v3
Possible values:
- Use no authentication (“None”)
- Message Digest 5 (“MD5”)
- Secure Hash Algorithm (“SHA”)
Authentication Key (min.
eight char.)
Specify the authentication key here. The key can
have a min. 8 and max. 32 characters and may
contain lower case letters (a z), upper case
letters (A Z), numbers (0 9), special characters
!()*~'.-_ but no spaces.
Specify the encryption algorithm for the SNMP
message here.
Possible values:
- No encryption (“None”)
- Data Encryption Standard (“DES”)
- Advanced Encryption Standard (“AES”)
Privacy Key (min. eight
Enter the key for encryption of the SNMP message
here. If nothing is specified here, the “authentication
key” is automatically used. The key can have a min.
8 and max. 32 characters and may contain lower
case letters (a z), upper case letters (A Z),
numbers (0 9), special characters !()*~'.-_ but no
Notification Receiver IP
Specify an IP address for a trap receiver for v3 traps
here. If no v3 traps are to be sent for this user, this
field remains blank.
Click [Add] to add a new user. The changes only take effect after restarting the
controller. For this purpose, use the WBM reboot function. Do not shut down the
controller too early!