User's Manual

GEM Retro Module Installation and Programming guide
Version 0.1
Wahoo Fitness
90 West Wieuca Road, Suite 110
Atlanta, GA 30342
4. Base label
5. QR code label
Not included:
1. Rubbing alcohol or cleaning chemical
2. Paper towel or drying cloth
3. iPhone 4 or later model
To download:
1. RunFit app (download from app store)
2. Retrofit Utility app (download from …)
1. Locate the CSAFE port on the fitness equipment console or at the bottom of the
fitness equipment
<insert pic of CSAFE port on console and at bottom of a machine; maybe from
elliptical downstairs?>
2. Connect the Ethernet cable between the retrofit module and the CSAFE port
<insert pic>
3. On fitness equipment, clean the desired area for attaching retrofit module with
rubbing alcohol or cleaning chemical
4. Wipe the desired area dry with a paper towel or drying cloth
5. Clean the bottom of retrofit module with rubbing alcohol or cleaning chemical
6. Wipe the bottom of retrofit module with a paper towel or drying cloth