User Manual

Sound Parameter
53 Blofeld User´s Manual
Modulation Section
The most important controls for the envelopes, the
modulation matrix and the three LFOs can be found in the
Modulation parameter matrix.
This section is divided into four sub sections.
Selection of the Sub sections
Choose the desired Sub section (Filter Env, Amp Env, LFO
or Matrix) with the button. The LED of the corresponding
Sub section will light up.
Parameter Controls of the Filter and Amp
The Blofeld envelopes allow you to manipulate sound
parameters via rate or timed modulations. The Blofeld
offers four independent programmable envelopes for
every sound program:
A Filter Envelope (Filter Env). This envelope is
fixed to control the filter but can also be used for
other modulations.
An Amplifier Envelope (Amp Env). This envelope is
fixed to control the sound volume, but can also be
used for other modulations.
Two additional Envelopes, Env 3 and Env 4. These
envelopes can be used freely to perform additional
modulations on any module.
w The Parameter Controls of Filter Env and Amp Env
are nearly similar.
w A detailled introduction of the envelopes can be
found in the chapter „Sound Synthesis Basics“.
Attack 0...127
Determines the attack rate or amount of time it takes for a
signal to go from zero to maximum level.
Decay 0...127
Determines the decay rate or amount of time it takes for a
signal to reach the Sustain level.
Sustain 0...127
Determines the sustain level which is held until a note
Release 0...127
Once the note has ended, the release phase begins.
During this phase, the envelope fades to zero at the rate
determined by the Release value.