Instructions / Assembly

Important General Considerations
The most important consideration is to maintain the integrity of the Heating
Element; following these simple rules can easily do this:
1. NEVER CUT the Heating Element.
2. NEVER CUT the Heating Mat to make it shorter.
3. NEVER fold or position the Heating Element so that it overlaps itself or other
wires. The heating portion of the heating device set shall not touch, cross over,
or overlap itself. This will cause dangerous overheating.
4. NEVER run the Cold Lead Wires or Sensor Wire across the Heating Element.
5. ALWAYS make sure the system is inspected and the Ohms tested before, during
and after installation.
6. ALWAYS make sure everyone involved in the installation is aware of the care
needed to protect the Heating Element from damage.
7. ALWAYS maintain consistent spacing when positioning the Heating Element.
8. Tiles will only be warm where the heating wire is installed. If there is no heating
wire directly under the area, it will not be warm.
9. A dedicated circuit is recommended for the system.