Operating instructions

SoftCare Evo - Type SE10 8-10
Chapter 8 - Error messages
Type of failure and cause of failure – Part 6
No. Type of failure Cause of failure
182 Motor protection
183 Phase sequence left
184 No Real Power
185 Generator operation
186 Current threshold
187 Error separation door
188 Power limit reached
189 SPI-Error
190 Active purging
191 Container empty
192 Camera 1 defect
193 Camera 2 defect
194 Camera housing 1 shutter defect
195 Camera housing 2 shutter defect
196 Laser 1 defect
197 Laser 2 defect
198 Camera software defect
199 PC communication interrupted
200 Water recycling fresh water consumption
201 Multibox communication interrupted
202 Unexpected actuation safety device