Operating instructions

SoftCare Evo - Type SE10 2-1
Operating company
Chapter 2 - Safety instructions
2. Safety instructions
2.1. General information
In order to guarantee safe use and fault-free opera-
tion, all individuals who are involved in any way with
the roll-over car wash system must have read and
understood this operating manual. The instructions in
this operating manual must be complied with by all
individuals who operate the roll-over car wash sys-
tem or who work on it. In addition, the regulations
and directives which are applicable in the place of
use must also be observed (safety regulations, envi-
ronmental requirements, etc.).
The operating company is obliged only to allow indi-
viduals to work on the roll-over car wash system who
are familiar with the regulations for safety in the
workplace and for accident prevention,
have been instructed in using the system,
who have previously read and understood this
operating manual.
We recommend that every operating company has
this confirmed in writing by its personnel.
All individuals who are commissioned to work on the
roll-over car wash system must, before work com-
mences, undertake
to observe the regulations for safety in the work-
place and accident prevention,
and to read this operating manual carefully and to
observe its content.