User's Manual

Table Of Contents
WebBlocker Categories
User Guide 101
WebBlocker Categories
The WebBlocker database contains 14 categories.
A Web site is added to a category when the contents of the Web site
meet the correct criteria. Web sites that give opinion or educational
material about the subject matter of the category are not included.
For example, the drugs/drug culture category denies sites that tell
how to grow and use marijuana. They do not deny sites with infor-
mation about the historical use of marijuana.
The categories:
Pictures or text that advocate the sale, consumption or
production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
Illegal Gambling
Pictures or text advocating materials or activities that may be
illegal in any or all jurisdictions. Some examples are illegal
business schemes, chain letters, copyright infringement,
computer hacking, phreaking (using phone lines without
permission), and piracy. Also includes text advocating gambling
relating to lotteries, casinos, betting, numbers games, online
sports or financial betting, including non-monetary dares.
Pictures or text advocating extremely aggressive or combative
behavior or advocacy of unlawful political measures. Topic
includes groups that advocate violence as a means to achieve
their goals. It also includes pages devoted to “how to”
information on the making of weapons (for both lawful and
unlawful reasons), ammunition, and pyrotechnics.
Drug Culture
Pictures or text advocating the illegal use of drugs for
entertainment. This category includes substances that are used
for other than their primary purpose to alter the individual’s
state of mind. This does not include currently illegal drugs
legally prescribed for medicinal purposes (such as drugs used to
treat glaucoma or cancer).