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Tip: V300 automatically starts an event because a member of the local
recording group reports that it started a group event. Within 10 seconds press
the Record Start/Stop button to STOP the group event. The camera requests that
you press a Record Start/Stop button again to confirm that you want to STOP the
recorded event. If you do not press the button a second time within 5 seconds,
V300 continues to record the event.
if V300 is NOT configured to require an event-stop confirmation (press the
Record Start/Stop button again within 5 seconds), to confirm an event stop in
the following scenario: Still true?
V300 automatically starts an event because a member of the local recording
group reports that it started a group event. Within 10 seconds press the Record
Start/Stop button to STOP the group event. The camera requests that you press
a Record Start/Stop button again to confirm that you want to STOP the recorded
event. If you do not press the button a second time within 5 seconds, V300
continues to record the event.
WatchGuard V300 Wearable Camera
User Guide WGD00169 Revision A