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Using V300 with a recording group
When you dock V300 in the Wi-Fi base, the camera pairs with the base. This pairing lets the
camera associate with other V300 Cameras as a local recording group.
The decision to create an event for the group recording is made by each device in the local
recording group network. This is called Distributed Multi-Peer Recording™. Starting a
recorded event on one device alerts the other devices in the group that there has been a
change in recording status on that device. In response, the other devices in the group can start
recording an event, each according to its own configuration. Recordings from the individual
cameras are uploaded and automatically linked in evidence management software for viewing
and sharing.
Recording Group Members
A recording group consists of a network of devices communicating with each other whenever
one of them changes its recording status. A recording group is typically linked to a vehicle. The
graphic below shows a standard arrangement for a recording group. A local recording group
l SPS ((page 62))
l 4RE DVR, firmware version of 4.0.7 or later (page 63)
l Up to eight V300 Cameras
l One WiFi base
Another arrangement for a recording group could be the V300 Cameras without the 4RE or
SPS. Is the graphic correct? Any idea how I show bluetooth?
For information about installing the equipment for the recording group in a
vehicle, see the 4RE Vehicle Installation Instructions.
Smart Power Switch
As part of the local recording group network, the Smart Power Switch:
l Functions as the central connection point for a recording group
Through the switch, the devices connect together to form a network, letting the 4RE DVR and
V300 group members communicate with each other.
l Intelligently manages power within the local recording group network
The SPS can detect the status of the devices in the network, whether they are powered on or
have powered themselves off after finishing event upload or charging. When the switch detects
that the devices in the local recording group network no longer need power, it shuts down any
remaining devices connected to the local network, including itself.
l Functions as the local network DHCP server for the local recording group network and other
devices connected to it (for example, wireless radio)
WatchGuard V300 Wearable Camera
User Guide WGD00169 Revision A