Owner manual

Appendix A: Ramp Soak
CLS Users Guide 131
Running a Profile
When you assign a profile, it does not start running immediately;
instead, the loop enters the Ready segment (segment 0). Use this menu
to start a profile (put it in Start mode).
Starting a profile
You can start a profile only when its in the Ready segment.
1. Press the RAMP/SOAK key repeatedly until you see the Ramp/
Soak mode menu.
2. While the profile is in Ready segment, the only mode available is
the Run mode.
3. Press YES to start the profile, and then ENTER to advance to the
next menu.
Running several profiles simultaneously
To run several profiles simultaneously, follow these steps:
1. Setup the profiles so that segment 1 of each profile has the same
latched trigger.
2. Assign the profiles to the appropriate loops. The loops will go to the
Ready segment of each profile.
3. Set each profile to Run mode.
4. Trip the trigger.
Editing a profile while it is running
You can edit a profile while it is running, but the changes you have
made will not take effect until the next time it runs.
Ramp/Soak Displays
The Single loop and Bar Graph displays show additional codes for R/S
Single loop display
When the controller is running a profile, the Single Loop display shows
the profile mode where it would usually show MAN or AUTO. The next
table shows the available codes and their meaning.
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