User Manual

WatView 18
Working with Snapshots and Recipes
You can copy all the settings from one controller to another using
Snapshots. Recipes provide similar functions, but with more pow-
erful features, including the ability to edit and schedule Recipes.
Snapshots provide a quick way to save the complete configuration
of a controller ( S
ystem menu > Snapshot). Its a good way to back-
up your settings after you set up a controller. You can also use it to
copy settings from one controller to another.
Snapshot window ( System menu > Snapshot).
Help Topics: Save a Snapshot procedure
Restore a Snapshot procedure
A Recipe is a collection of parameter settings from one or more
controllers on a network saved in a file. Recipes provide a powerful
tool for automating operations and switching the configuration of a
system for a variety of processes.
Recipe Types
Before you can create a Recipe, you must use the Recipe Type
Builder to create a Recipe Type ( Recipe menu > Type Builder),
which is a template containing a list of the parameters that will be
saved in a Recipe. A Recipe Type can include parameters from many
controllers, including any type of controller that is configurable by
When you make a recipe type, include only parameters you need
to change. That keeps the recipes simple to edit and fast to down-