
WX-5095 Handbook
Commercial In Confidence
17 of 31
6.1 MP3 Volume Normalization
MP3 files should be ‘normalized’ prior to uploading or emailing. This is to maintain consistent output levels. An
MP3 normalization program called MP3Gain is recommended for this purpose. It is freeware however it would
be appreciated if you made a donation to the authors:
Download page:
Direct link to download current version:
Tip! The default setting ‘Volume 89.0’ can be increased to 95.0 when applying track gain to MP3 files. Setting
the volume to 95 brings up the volume of MP3 files to a level of what you would expect from CD audio.
Use ‘Track Gain’ rather than ‘Constant Gain’ if your message requires dynamic range. Do not use ‘Album
Gain’ unless you specifically want level variations between tracks.