User Manual

SPEEDCOM SC5800 User Manual
6.3 Main Screen
Figure 6. RSSI as a function of RF input level
This screen displays the names of the stations/sites, their IP addresses and allows
you to view or edit the parameters and status for the entire station. Indoor Unit and
Outdoor Unit details are accessed by using the mouse to select the Indoor Unit and
Outdoor Units of the local or remote sites.
Note that if the local Indoor Unit is offline, all controls for both station IUs and OUs
are 'grayed out' and thus unavailable. If the Outdoor Unit is offline and the Indoor
Unit is online, then only the Outdoor Unit controls are 'grayed out' and unavailable.
The Main screen shows a local station on the left hand side of the screen and a
remote station on the right hand side of the screen.
The Main Menu area provides pull-down menus and controls that allow you to
configure and monitor system link parameters and to perform basic tasks.
The station elements are displayed initially with no colors, but the controls in the
blocks change colors when the NMS attempts to communicate with the link’s
primary elements.
The control buttons on the screen are short -cuts to MIB elements in the Indoor
Move your mouse pointer to the required area of the screen and when the mouse
pointer changes into a 'hand', click the right mouse button to display more detailed
information. Click the left mouse button to activate relays and loopbacks.