User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03 SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide
A. Enabling Encryption Between SPEEDLAN 9200 Routers
Advanced Encryption Standard was adopted by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology in October of 2000. AES presents a new level in computer networking
security, especially important in wireless communications because wireless circuits are
easier to tap than their hard-wired counterparts.
AES is more difficult to crack than its predecessor Data Encryption Standard. SPEEDLAN
9200 routers use an AES 128-bit encryption key.
To enable AES between SPEEDLAN 9200 routers, do the following:
1 Choose Security from the Network menu. The Network Security
Configurations page will appear.
2 Enter the pass phrase in the Pass Phrase text box. The minimum amount of
characters is 8. The maximum number of characters is 32. Enter the pass
phrase again in the Confirm text box. Then, click the Change (Currently
Not Set) button to apply changes. You will receive a confirmation that the new
pass phrase has currently been set.
3 To enable encryption on a SPEEDLAN 9200, choose AES from the Encryption
Type drop-down list. "None" is selected by default. (If you select None,
encryption is disabled.) Click Apply to implement your settings.
B. Enabling WEP Security Between a SPEEDMesh-Enabled Client
and SPEEDLAN 9200
In a SPEEDLAN 9200 network, you can authenticate a SPEEDMesh-enabled client (PDA
or laptop) with a standard security called Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). WEP encrypts
data that is being transmitted over the wireless LAN. WEP protects the wireless links
between clients and SPEEDLAN 9200 routers.
Note: WEP is an encryption scheme used to protect wireless data communications.
WEP uses 64-bit, 128-bit or 152-bit key sizes to provide access control to wireless
network and encryption security for each data transmission. To decode a data
transmission, each point in a network must use an identical 64-bit, 128-bit or 152-bit
To enable WEP security, do the following:
1 If the Network Security Configurations page is not displayed on your screen,
choose Security from the Network menu. On the bottom section of the
Network Security Configurations page, choose WEP from the Encryption