User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03 SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide
System Location: This field should contain the administratively assigned
name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's fully
qualified Internet Domain name (e.g., "").
3 After you have entered the information described above, click Apply.
4 Enable SNMP by selecting the Enabled option. When SNMP is enabled, the
SPEEDLAN 9200 router will respond to SNMP queries initiated by your NMS.
(See the section below for MIBII strings and definitions.) If you want to disable
it, click the Disabled option. (SNMP is disabled by default.)
5 You will receive a confirmation that your settings have been applied. SNMP is
now enabled on the node you want to monitor.
6 To view SNMP information, you must now use a NMS. Consult your NMS
software for information on polling and logging the MIB objects.
Table 3-1: List of MIBs supported by SPEEDLAN 9200
RFC = Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments
MIB Name
MIB-II RFC1213 1
SNMPv2-MIB RFC3418 1