User's Manual

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Part # 34357-MNL Rev.03 SPEEDLAN 9200 User Guide
This operation is a two-step process:
1 Upload the Software Update file. Locate the latest software file (by clicking
Browse) and click Upload Software Update File.
2 Install the Software Update.
Note: All units are automatically rebooted after a successful upgrade.
Updating the Software on a Local Router and Remote Router
To update the software on a location router and on a remote router, choose it under
the Software Update submenu (e.g., MeshNet).
Figure 4-10: Updating the software for a local mesh and remote router
This operation is a two-step process:
1 Select the remotes where you want to update the software. (The IP addresses
that are selectable are active. If only a MAC address is listed, or a bunch of
zeros, then these represent inactive devices.
2 Upload the Software Update file. Locate the latest software file (by clicking
Browse) and click Upload Software Update File to Selected Nodes.
3 Install the Software Update.