User Manual

VoiceXtender Modem Installer’s Guide
4-2 Rev. A - 8/97
Operational Problems
Following are some possible operational problems you might encounter when
using the modem. If you encounter any of these problems, we recommend going
through the following check list to resolve the problem before contacting
Cylink Customer Support.
The primary tool used to troubleshoot the modem is the SYNC indicator on the
front panel of the modem.
SYNC INDICATOR is OFF, and was never ON before
Is the POWER light ON? Verify correct input power.
Are both modems set to the same channel?
Are both units set to the same PN code?
Is the burst timing switch in the correct position?
Is the master/slave switch in the correct position?
Check cable connections.
Check antenna connection and alignment.
SYNC INDICATOR is OFF, but was ON before
Is the POWER light ON? Verify correct input power.
Check switch settings. Have they been changed?
Check the cable connections.
Check antenna connection and alignment.
SYNC INDICATOR is ON, but there is no voice transmission
Check phone and line connections.
Check that audio level control is not turned completely down.
AUDIO VOLUME is too low.
Adjust audio receive level on the bottom of the modem.