User Manual

Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide
BM210012WT09 17 Wavenet Technology
Status Input / Output lines
Note: Not currently supported but may be added in future releases.
The status lines (SS0 to SS3) may be software configured for bi-
directional operation. Each line has a 33Ù series resistor and clamp
diode to the internal supply line for protection. The electrical interface
capability and function of these signals are as follows:
Input Voltage Range 0 – 3.3V or 0 - 5V
Output Voltage Level 0 - 3.3V
Current Source/Sink ± 3mA (maximum)
The operation and active condition of these lines is summarized below.
Status Input/Output Interface Definitions
Pin #
Signal Description Signal Active State
16 SS0
Status Signal
Input/ Output
User configurable (future option)
17 SS1
Status Signal
Input/ Output
User configurable (future option)
18 SS2
Status Signal
Input/ Output
User configurable (future option)
19 SS3
Status Signal
Input/ Output
User configurable (future option)
LED Interface
The modem provides three on-board indicators (LEDs), for diagnostic
monitoring purposes as well as three modem controllable LED outputs
through the Data Interface Connector.
On-Board LED Indicators
The on-board LEDs are visible through a small window in the case of
the modem. In order of sequence (from left to right when viewing the
modem facing the data interface connector) the LEDs are as follows:
Green flashes when power normal and scanning for
On when power normal and locked on channel
Off when the modem is off
Transmit Red flashes when data is transmitted