User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Message Routing and Migration ________________________________ Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide
Wavenet Technology 106 BM210012WT27
DM Header Charts
The charts in this section allow you to compare DM syntax across all
three DataTAC systems. Each chart displays a different set of headers
based on message type. The charts show the differences you need to be
aware of for your particular project. The list preceding each chart
describes the contents of the header fields.
Message Generate Header Fields
Type All systems use ASCII ‘M’ ‘G’ to indicate
a Message Generate type message header.
Sender ID The ID of the originating wireless
terminal. On DataTAC 4000 systems this
field is 8 bytes. On other systems it is 14
First Destination ID The ID of the first of up to 10 destination
Last Destination ID The ID of the last of up to 10 optional
destination terminals.
Flag Bytes Settings for optional delivery services.
Date & Time of
Message Generation
The current date and time the message is
Date & Time for
Delayed Action
The date and time when the message is to
be displayed at the destination. This option
is present is the corresponding flag bit is
Originator’s ID The ID of the previous terminal of a
message being forwarded by a recipient.
This option is present is the corresponding
flag bit is set.
Sequence Number A number used by a DM application to
match replies and error messages with a
previously sent message.
Message Text Can be binary or ASCII, depending on
requirements of the application.