User's Manual

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Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide ___________________________________________________ Testing
BM210012WT27 63 Wavenet Technology
You should see two “CMND…..ILLEGAL BYTE” lines, followed by
two “SUCCESS” lines. This is normal. You must reset the modem
(<F4> 66 <Enter>) before the changes will take effect. If you do not
receive the “SUCCESS” responses, reset the modem, reset RSUSER,
and try again.
<Alt> + <6> Group LLI Programming
This allows you to program up to 16 group LLIs into the non-volatile
memory of the modem. You will be prompted for each LLI
individually. When finished, press <Enter> when prompted for the
next LLI.
You should see two “CMND…..ILLEGAL BYTE” lines, followed by
two “SUCCESS” lines. This is normal. You must reset the modem
(<F4> 66 <Enter>) before the changes will take effect. If you do not
receive the “SUCCESS” responses, then reset the modem, reset
RSUSER, and try again.
<Alt> + <C> Read Config Parameters
This option reads the current configuration from the modem, and
reports on it. The configuration includes the LLI, Serial #, home area,
channels, group LLIs and some redundant data.
<Alt> + <D> Get Radio Status
This option sends a command to the modem requesting the current
radio status of the modem. The response contains information on the
current RSSI level, signal quality, current channel, base Id and several
other data.
<Alt> + <W> Get Battery Status
This option sends a command to the modem requesting the current
status of the battery power. The response contains the voltage level of
the battery as an absolute voltage and as an estimated percentage of
<F1> Set Source LLI
This option tells RSUSER which LLI should be listed as the source
LLI on all packets which are sent by RSUSER using the "SEND
MESSAGES" options. This setting will be saved in the RSUSER.INI
initialisation file. There is no need to reset the modem or RSUSER
after this option.