User's Manual

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Message Routing and Migration ________________________________ Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide
Wavenet Technology 92 BM210012WT27
Network Link Layers
Before a message can be routed, it must contain a header and be
wrapped in a link layer protocol supported by the DataTAC network.
Many link layer protocols are available, but not all are supported by
each DataTAC network.
The X.25 protocol is common to all three systems and supports both
PVC and SVC host connection line types. X.25 is a popular choice for
developers looking for a worldwide connectivity solution.
Other supported protocols include:
DataTAC 4000 system X.25, TCP/IP, LU6.2, leased line,
dial-up, RF-Loopback
DataTAC 5000 system X.25, TCP/IP, SLIP
DataTAC 6000 system X.25