User's Manual

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Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide ______________________Appendix B – SDK NCL-API and Port Server
BM210012WT37 101 Copyright Wavenet Technology © November 2003
contain an SDU tag equal to 65535. The received event/ response
messages will be represented as an array of bytes which must be typed
cast to a structure identified by returned structure ID.
The RCV_MSG_NOTIFICATION event will be handled by the VDD,
which will read the messages from the RPM and pass the messages to
all clients with open sessions.
Other Event types shall be posted to all clients with open sessions
registered for that event. If no applications are registered for that event
the event will be disabled in the modem.
int nclReceiveData(DWORD dwTimeOut, BYTE *ucStructId, WORD
*usSduTag, int *iBufLen, BYTE *ucBuf);
Receive messages from the RPM.
DwTimeOut The time (in milliseconds) to wait for the next message. Use 0 to
return immediately or FFFFFFFF (hexadecimal) to hang on
indefinitely for a message. The calling thread will be suspended
until a message arrive or the time-out period has elapsed,
whichever occurs first.
UcStructId Pointer to a byte where the structure ID can be stored.
UsSduTag Pointer to a word where the SDU tag can be stored
IbufLen Pointer to a integer specifying the total size of ucBuf.
UcBuf Pointer to the buffer (of size iBufLen) where receive data can be
Return value = 0 Operation was successful
Return value 0 Operation failed. Value specifies the error type
UcStructId This value identifies the structure of the data in ucBuf. See the
following paragraphs for details.
UsSduTag Pointer to a word containing a reference of the corresponding
SDU tag which was generated by the NCL API for this command
to the RPM.
IbufLen Size (in bytes) of the data in ucBuf. Note: Buffer lengths of 0 is
possible – rely solely on the return value in such cases
UcBuf Pointer to buffer containing the received data