User's Manual

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Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide __________________________ Wavenet Software Development Tools
BM210012WT37 65 Copyright Wavenet Technology © November 2003
Wavenet Commander
The radio service utility software “Wavenet Commander” enables a
user to exercise and configure Wavenet Modems. This software runs
under Windows 95, 98, NT, or 2000.
Wavenet Commander interfaces with the Boomer II OEM Modem via
a PC’s communications port and the Test Jig’s PC port using an
RS-232 cable.
Wavenet Commander is issued as an install shield and will create the
following files in the user designated installation directory:
WC_End_User.wcu The executable file
user_defined.def Definition file for User Scripts
ncl_generic.def Default NCL Commands.
Refer to Appendix A - NCL Interface for the NCL command list.
A typical screen shot from Wavenet Commander is shown below.