User's Manual

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Boomer II User Manual & Integrator’s Guide ________________________________ Appendix A - NCL INTERFACE
BM210012WT37 85 Copyright Wavenet Technology © November 2003
The various Vendor Status Requests that can be made, and the format
of their response information in the SUCCESS response SDU, are
described as follows. Please note that all multiple byte fields are stored
MSB first.
WN_GET_RADIO: Get radio status information (NCL string “ZF?r”).
SUCCESS is followed by a block of status information as shown
WN_GET_RADIO Response Format:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RSSI [2 bytes]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Reserved (ignore) [1 byte]
Current Frequency [4 bytes]
Current Channel [2 bytes]
Current Base Station ID [1 unsigned byte]
RSSI: Two byte signed integer representing the
strength of the received signal from the
base station measured in dBm. A typical
value could be -90.
Current Frequency: Four byte unsigned integer representing
the frequency of the inbound signal in Hz
for the channel the modem is currently
scanning or locked on to.
Current channel: Unsigned word (2 bytes) representing
current channel.
Current Base Station ID: Unsigned byte representing
current base station ID.