User's Manual

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Boomer-III User Manual & Integrator’s Guide_________________________________________________Installation
BM310012WT04 29 Copyright Wavenet Technology © October 2003
Data Interface Pin Descriptions
Pin Signal Description Signal Reset State
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect Output High Impedance
2 RXD Receive Data Output High Impedance
3 TXD Transmit Data Input 100k pull up to 3V
4 DTR Data Terminal ready Input 100k pull up to 3V
5 GND Ground Ground 0V
6 DSR Data Set Ready Output High Impedance
7 RTS Request to Send Input 100k pull up to 3V
8 CTS Clear to Send Output High Impedance
9 RI Ring Indicator Output High Impedance
10 HCRESET Modem Reset Input 40-80k pull up to 3V
11 RTC_BB RTC battery backup Input High Impedance
12 HOSTPWR_ON Modem Power on/off Input 80k pull down to 0V
13 LED0_MSGWTG Message Waiting Output High Impedance
14 LED1_INRANGE In Range Output High Impedance
15 LED2_LOWBAT Low Battery Output High Impedance
16 SS0/RXD2 Status Signal 0
100k pull up to 3V
17 SS1/TXD2/AD1 Status Signal 1
100k pull up to 3V
18 SS2/RXD3/AD2 Status Signal 2
100k pull up to 3V
19 SS3/TXD3/AD3 Status Signal 3
100k pull up to 3V
20 HOST 3.8V Supply Voltage Supply 3.4 – 4.2V
21 HOST 3.8V Supply Voltage Supply 3.4 – 4.2V
22 HOST 3.8V Supply Voltage Supply 3.4 – 4.2V
23 HOST 3.8V Supply Voltage Supply 3.4 – 4.2V
24 TEST-PIN Do not connect
25 HOST GND Ground Ground 0V
26 HOST GND Ground Ground 0V
27 HOST GND Ground Ground 0V
28 HOST GND Ground Ground 0V
29 TEST-PIN Do not connect
30 SS4 Status Signal 5
100k pull up to 3V
Warning: Do not connect the TEST-PIN terminals (pins 24 and 29) or
the modem may malfunction. Leave disconnected.
Warning: The input voltage on RTC-BB (pin 11) must never exceed 3V
under any circumstances or the modem may be damaged.
Note: The voltage range of most of the modem input pins is typically
0-3V, however, 0-5V may be used for compatibility with conventional
digital logic, unless otherwise stated.