User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Boomer-III User Manual & Integrator’s Guide__________________________ Wavenet Software Development Tools
BM310012WT04 67 Copyright Wavenet Technology © October 2003
Ensure the test jig with the modem is powered up and connected (Serial
cable from PC port of the Test Jig to your PC’s Communication port)
and the above the communication settings are correct for your set-up.
Modem Info Tree View
ModemInfo uses the NCL API to interface to the DataTAC
Modem Info allows the user to view the modem’s current status, to
send and receive messages on the current channel the device is
registered to. The options displayed in the tree include the following:
Settings: Allows the user to select an operational profile (i.e. Channel
list, RD –Lap version, etc), and the modems power save mode (if
required). The user can also set the notification events, and adjust the
channel list.
Versions: Displays the devices LLI, serial number, software version,
modem configuration version and the hardware platform.
Messages: Allows a user to send and receive messages from the
channel the device is currently registered on.
Status: Displays the modem’s current channel (if registered) and its
RSSI level. If the device is not registered, it will be in scan mode,
scanning the channels from the channel list in its current profile.
Modem Info Property View
The property view is dependant on the tree view. The following
property pages are displayed for each tree view.
Settings: The user can select, the network profile, and if required the
modems power save mode.
Network Profile: The current network profile is displayed. The
user can select a profile via the profile display list when this field is
selected. Note the device must be registered with the appropriate
network provider for the device to log on.
Power Save: The user can select the devices power save mode as
required. Note in some networks power save mode is not
Versions: Displays the devices LLI, serial number, hardware platform
and software version.
Messages: Allows a user to send and receive messages from the
channel the device is currently registered on. Type the required
message in the send message window and then click on the <Send>
button. Any received data messages will be displayed in both the
received message window and the Edit View Window. Note your
modem must be registered on a channel.
Status: Displays the modem’s RF-Protocol, channel, RSSI, In Range
Status, Base Station ID the modem is registered on, and the modems
power source level.