
Information displayed in the C/N mode is as follows:
• Channel number
• Channel label
• Carrier frequency
• Noise offset frequency
• Noise frequency
• Bandwidth
• C/N ratio
• Channel plan
To make a carrier to noise measurement, press the C/N key. The
C/N ratio of the tuned channel or frequency will be displayed.
Bandwidth Adjustments
To edit the bandwidth, press the BW soft key. The bandwidth can
be adjusted by using the UP and DOWN arrow keys or by entering a
value using the numeric keypad and then pressing the ENTER key.
The FCC specification for C/N measurements is a bandwidth of
4.200 MHz. CATV organizations outside of the United States may
have different requirements.
Noise Offset Frequency Adjustments
The frequency at which the noise level is measured is the Carrier
frequency plus the noise offset. To adjust the noise offset, press the
OFFSET soft key. The offset can be adjusted by using the UP and
DOWN arrow keys or by entering a value using the numeric keypad
and then pressing the ENTER key.
Note: BW and Noise Offset values can be defined individually for
each channel (see section 4.3.4 "How To Edit Channel Parameters").
When tuning by channel number, the BW and Noise Offset values
can be adjusted using the Offset and BW soft keys. However, these
adjustments will affect the C/N screen only and will not change the
setup value in the channel plan.