User's Guide

Link-IT “User Guide” Page 11
Version 1.03
System Settings
The final step in installing the Link-IT system is setting of system settings. At this stage the
installation program is aware of whether you have selected to install as an Administrator or as
a User. The installation therefore displays the systems set-up screen applicable to the type of
installation being done.
System Settings for Users
There is only one System Setting that a User can set namely the Screen Saver Delay time.
This is the time that must elapse between the last reading of a valid User Tag and when the
screen saver is activated. (Computer in disabled mode). One of the following 6 settings can
be selected: 30 seconds, or 1,2,3,4, or 5 minutes.
Figure 14: System Settings for Users
System Settings for Administrators
The system settings for an Administrator is exactly the same as for Users, refer to the
paragraph above, and include registration of a location tag and the enabling or disabling of
Function keys.
Figure 15: System Settings for Administrators
Location Tag
A location Tag is an additional tag that can be registered in the system for the purpose of
testing whether a Machine is operating in its designated physical position. This location tag
would normally be mounted (often secretly) in the physical environment in which the computer
is to be used. The Link-IT system then checks if both the User Tag and the Location Tag can