User's Manual

USER MANUAL – ActivDuo Active RFID Tags
Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Master File Name Issue Date Page
00000-0000-150-1 User Manual ActivDuo Tag-00.8-UM-LT 3 DECEMBER 2008 12 OF 42
are generated in exactly the same way as for the Movement Alert Mode described above, the only
difference being that the transmissions are initiated by the user through a button press rather than a
movement sensor being activated by motion.
For track and trace operations that require the use of the TG700-A Key Fob PA tag, set the Status
Tx rate to the minimum rate available (10 seconds) to ensure regular location updates for the tag are
received by the RTLS system.
Note to Software Developers: When the TG700-A’s button is pressed, the Key Fob tag will set the
alarm bit in the data packet for the each of the Alert Tx’s generated and will appear to be indicating
that a movement alert has occurred in the same way that all other ActivDuo tags which are fitted with
movement sensors would do. To correctly identify that there is a panic alarm, or to allow a door to be
unlocked (if used with access control systems, for example), the tag ID must be flagged in the
application as being a Panic Alert tag, and the transmitted tag ID checked by the application so that the
system understands that the alert transmissions are coming from a TG700-A tag because of a button press
and not because of physical movement, and to then react accordingly.
Note to System Engineers: If using the TG700-A with the PA100 Wiegand Converter for simple access
control purposes, or for simple audio-visual notification of the panic alert, the appropriate jumper settings can
be made on the PA100 to activate the alarm relay on receipt of the alarm transmissions from the TG700-A.
1.4.5 Tag Transmission Repetition Rates – Nominal vs. Actual
All Status and Alert tag transmission rates quoted in Table 3 and Table 4 above are the nominal
interval time periods. Ambient temperatures will affect actual tag transmission intervals due to the
effect of temperature on the electronic components used in the tag that govern the repetition rate.
Hotter temperatures will decrease the actual tag transmission interval
Colder temperatures will increase the actual tag transmission interval
All stated tag life span expectations in the product data sheets for tags are based on the tags
operating throughout their life at around room temperature (70
F or 21
C) and the associated actual
tag transmission interval achieved when the tag is set to the default status and alert nominal intervals.
For example, setting the Status Tx interval to 10 seconds (the nominal rate) will result in a real interval
of around 12.5 seconds when the tag is operating at room temperature. If the tag is used in an
environment where the ambient temperature approaches 140
F (60
C), the actual status transmission
interval will decrease near to 10 seconds. In the reverse, if the tag is used in an environment where
the ambient temperature approaches 14
F (-10
C), the real status transmission interval will increase
near to 15 seconds.
1.5 Tag Battery (Functional) Life Span
Wavetrend’s ActivDuo tags typically use a Lithium-Ion battery that the manufacturer states as offering an 8
year shelf life, rated for. The batteries are more efficient at producing current in hotter temperatures and less
efficient in colder temperatures.
Note about calculating tag life spans: Wavetrend provides all Accredited Partners with an
application which allows the minimum expected life span of a tag to be quite accurately calculated by
entering information about the tag type, the tag configuration (data & options) and expected usage
information (temperatures & amount of movement) that is available.
If you do not have access to the tag life span calculator and want to find out if a tag will provide a sufficient
functional life for your intended use, please ask Wavetrend or one of our Accredited Partners to assist you.