User's Manual

USER MANUAL – ActivDuo Active RFID Tags
Configuration No. Wavetrend Technologies Ltd Master File Name Issue Date Page
00000-0000-150-1 User Manual ActivDuo Tag-00.8-UM-LT 3 DECEMBER 2008 32 OF 42
6.3.1 Requirements
1 strong, flat tipped instrument, such as a flat head screw driver
Drill or screw driver to remove any rivets or screws used to fix the tag to the asset
6.3.2 Removal
For plastic assets or assets made of softer metal, it is highly likely that some surface damage could
occur during removal of the tag. Take as much care as possible to avoid this by working carefully to
break the VHB bond and use an instrument that is less likely to gouge or scratch the asset surface.
First remove any fixing screws or drill out any rivets used to fix the tag to the asset.
Carefully work the flat tipped instrument (screwdriver) under the tag. Start by inserting the instrument
under the tag in the middle of the tag at the bottom (assuming the ‘Wavetrend’ brand appears in
landscape orientation, the right way up) and gently push under the tag. The slight curve of the tag’s
back plate means that the bottom middle of the tag is the best location to easily insert the tool.
Break the adhesive bond by leveraging the tag off the asset slowly, adjusting the position of the
instrument to the left and then to the right repeatedly, working all the way around the edge of the tag
to loosen the VHB bond.
Repeat this as many times as it take to loosen enough of the gel pad around the edge of the tag to
allow gentle twisting or rotation of the tag in a clock-wise then anti-clockwise manner or to lift the tag
by one edge. Use the blade to continue loosening or breaking up the gel pad to allow greater rotation
of the tag.
Continue to twist and lift the tag until it comes off the object.
The anti-tamper feature will cause the tag to alarm immediately if any attempt is made to remove the tag
before the end of its functional lifespan.
Do not try to pull the tag off the object when removing it, the best way to break down the bond between the
gel pad and the tag & object is to rotate the tag clockwise and anti-clockwise repeatedly.