User's Manual

Export Data LogsFigure 7.4 –
First, select the le to export by clicking the “. . .” buon next to the Export File
text eld. This will open a directory where you can select the log to be exported.
Next is a spot to select the format for export. Currently the only supported
destination le format is 3 Card (for more information about this format, see the
FH WA’s Trac Monitoring Guide, available from  Click Continue.
On the following screen, ll out the requested information, which includes a
starting and ending date, a station ID number, the functional classication of the
sensor site, the state you’re located in, and any restrictions. Click Continue when
you’re done.
The starting date and ending date will generally be the rst and last day of
data in your interval log le. However, you may wish to set your starting
date and ending date so that you export only certain days.
On the third page, specify the lane assignment number and lane direction. So
that you can tell which lane you’re working with, the lanes are numbered under
the Sensor Log File heading, with the lane closest to the sensor at the top of
the list. While multiple lanes may have the same direction, no two lanes may
have both the same direction and number, unless that number is 0. You can call
multiple lanes 0 in order to group them together (see Figure 7.5).