User's Manual

Advanced Serial Settings
Click the Advanced buon to change the Advanced Connection seings (see
Figure 4.3).
Advanced Connection SettingsFigure 4.3 –
PC Com Port Seings –
By default, SSM is set to automatically detect PC
com port & baud rate seings. To manually congure these seings, click
the Specify PC com port & baud rate seings radio buon. This will
activate the Port # and Baud Rate (bps) drop-down lists.
Additional Response Wait Time –
By default, SmartSensor Manager waits
a few milliseconds to receive a response from the sensor before timing out
and displaying a communication error message. You can add additional
milliseconds to the response wait time to give the program more time to
make a connection. Click the Use an additional: check box to activate the
milliseconds text eld and enter the number of additional milliseconds
SmartSensor Manager should wait for a response from the sensor.
SmartSensor Network Protocol –
These options can be used to identify
sensors that are part of a multi-drop network. The Simple protocol option
refers to sensors that are not part of a multi-drop environment. If the
sensor is part of a multi-drop network, SmartSensor Manager can either
auto-detect the multi-drop ID, or you can enter the four-digit ID. Clicking
the Use Multidrop Protocol… Connect Directly to ID: radio buon will
activate the text box so you can enter the ID number.
Time Synchronization –
Click the check box to have SmartSensor
automatically synchronize with the PC clock.
Click on the check box at the boom of the Advanced Connection Seings page
to use the new seings as default. Click OK to save the new seings or Cancel to
return to default; both buons will return you to the Serial Connection page. The
new seings will be reected in the message bar at the boom of the page.