User's Manual

WBSn-2400 Quick Start Guide Page 5
Preparing the installation site
Only experienced installation professionals who are familiar with local building and safety codes and are
licensed, wherever applicable, by the appropriate government regulatory authorities, should install outdoor
units and antennas.
Do not modify the construction of this product. Modifying the operating
frequency or enhancing the transmit output power through the use of
external amplifiers or other equipment is illegal.
This device is for outdoor or indoor use on the condition that operation of
this device causes no harmful interference to authorized radio stations. This
device shall not influence aircraft security and/or interfere with legal
communications. If this device is found to cause interference, the operator of
this equipment shall cease operating this device immediately.
How to prepare the site:
Determine the existence of potential posts or poles to which a base
station could be attached. Consider the axis of the post, its placement,
and whether extenders are required.
Follow the appropriate electrical and building codes to ensure safe and
durable wiring.
The length of the Ethernet cable connecting the unit to the network
device (PC, switch, router, and so on) should not exceed 100 meters.
There is no limitation on the length of the cable connecting the PoE to
the unit, as long as the combined length of the cables connecting the
network device to the PoE and the PoE to the unit does not exceed 100
Grounding best practices,
using a data protection
1. Position the protection device as close to the building entrance as
2. Attach a 10 AWG grounding cable to the ground point on the data
protection device.
3. Attach the other end of the grounding cable to the grounding bar of the
Grounding indoors injector by Network Protection Unit