User's Manual

Battery warning, warns of when the receiver battery
voltage is too low
Range warning, warns of when the receiver signal
quality is too low
Temperature warning, warns when the receiver tempera-
ture is too high
Battery test, warns when the voltage drops below the se-
lected value
The value set in the battery test field is also the voltage at which
the receiver will switch between the main (primary) receiver batte-
ry pack and the secondary (back-up) receiver battery pack. The de-
fault setting for this value is 4.8 Volt if a 2.4 Dual FHSS micro series
receiver is bonded and 6.0 Volt if a 2.4 Dual FHSS 12-22 R series
receiver is bonded.
If using a 2.4 Dual FHSS 12-22 R series receiver with two receiver
battery packs, the following settings are recommended:
Battery warning/switching value when using a 2 cell
Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery pack: 6.0 Volt
Battery warning/switching value when using a 6 cell Nickel
Metal Hydride (NiMH) pack: 5.7 Volt
Battery warning/switching value when using a 3 cell
Lithium Iron Phosphate (A123) battery pack: 8.8 Volt
Range warning: The weatronic 2.4 Dual FHSS system has a transfer
rate of 100 signal packets (frames) per second. When the percen-
tage of packets sent which cannot be read by the receiver drops
below the set value, the system will give a range warning. A value
of 40% will ensure that the receiver can still operate accurately but
will warn you of an impeding problem. 40% is the default setting.
Temperature warning: The internal temperature of the receiver is
monitored. The factory setting is 55 degrees Celsius.
Auto power off: This is the setting which dictates how long the re-
ceiver will stay switched on before entering sleep mode. This func-
tion has been incorporated to protect your receiver battery packs
if you forget to switch off your receiver. The switch off point is set
in minutes and the range is from 1 to 60 minutes, if you wish to
deactivate this function the slider must be moved fully to the left.
The factory setting is 15 minutes.
Failsafe timeout: By using the slide control you can set the value at
which the Failsafe will activate if no or a corrupt signal is received.
The value is in milliseconds and can be set be set between 100
and 1000 Milliseconds which equals 1 second. The factory setting
is 300 Milliseconds.
Battery test: Upon switching on the receiver, it will self-test both of
the receiver battery packs as outlined in Para 10.2. The two fields
next to the battery test button show the voltage drop measured
under load (the upper field shows the value for the main ((primary))
battery pack and the lower field shows the value for the secondary
((back-up)) battery pack). The voltage drop warning value can be
set using the slider and the factory setting is 0.500 Volt. The batte-
ry test can be manually conducted by pressing the “Battery test”
Last but not least the receiver can be returned to the factory setting
by using the “Restore default values” button. All values will be
returned to the factory settings which will mean that any bonding
information will also be lost. This will entail your having to re-bond
the receiver to your transmitter module before use and because of
this the following warning message will be displayed:
11.3.3 Servo mapping
This window, together with the “Servo Configuration” field (the
next option) form the heart of the GigaControl software. Within
this window a multitude of parameters can be altered which will
improve every model’s performance from large scale jets through
to gliders.
The left hand side of the matrix lists the transmitter’s channels
or functions and the software is currently capable of handling 12
channels but this will soon be raised to 16. The top row corre-
sponds to the receiver outputs of which the micro series receivers
have 8 to 12 and the 12-22 R series have 22 to 30 outputs.
Standard setting for a 2.4 Dual FHSS micro 12 receiver