User's Manual

Within the same window the servo speed can be altered. The value
which can be set is between 0.5 and 8 seconds for full throw.
This function will be particularly useful when setting up functions
like retracting undercarriages, flaps and undercarriage doors. Configuring servo curves
Use the right mouse button to select the output which you wish to
configure to access the curve window
The servo curve is represented in the diagram shown in the lower
part of the window which is pictured above. Initially the servo
curve will be a flat line, shown here as a green line, and if the
transmitter function has been highlighted with a colour (see Para
11.2.3) it will be displayed in that colour.
The green bar below the servo curve represents the transmitter
function position and will follow the stick, switch or slider as it
is moved. The green bar to the left of the servo curve represents
the actual servo position as it moves. To ease the identification of
which function/servo is being viewed, both of these bars will be in
the same colour which was set in the servo mapping screen, if any
(if no colour has been set, the bars will default to green).
To the right of the servo curve there are buttons, labelled, for exa-
mple, “Move curve“, and
“Invert curve (channel)“etc. which will aid you in adjusting the
servo curve.
“Move curve“:
Under normal circumstances the servo travel will be lineal with
the neutral point in the centre and represented by a flat line as
illustrated above. The white area represents 100% of servo throw
and the upper and lower red areas are the values which a servo
can theoretically set to up to 200%. Once you have activated the
“Move curve“ button using the mouse the whole curve can be rai-
sed or lowered by clicking on one of the red points, holding down
the mouse button and moving the curve (line) upwards or down-
wards. The same effect can be achieved by clicking onto the curve
(line) and by using the keyboard’s arrow keys to move it ¥£¢¤.
In moving the curve you can adjust the middle (neutral) point for
each servo. This option will be partially useful to accurately set-up
any function which is driven by two or more separate servos, for
example, flaps, airbrakes ailerons or elevators.
Servo neutral (middle) position adjusted by moving the curve.
HOWEVER! Every servo is different in as much as
how far it can rotate before it will damage itself.
IMPORTANT! Always be careful when adjusting the
servo curve, in particular when the values are
within the red fields. Connect a servo to the recei-
ver when adjusting the curve and always observe
the manufacturers recommendations regarding the
maximum permissible throw.