User's Manual

In this field the voltage for each servo circuit, and therefore the
servos which have been allocated to that circuit, can be set by
clicking on the desire value. Select either 4.8 or 6.0 Volts for each
circuit and then click ‘OK’ to store the values. Fixed values
If you require a servo or function to hold a set position and not
to move proportionally with the transmitter function (i.e. for Gyro
sensitivity) ‘Fixed value’ must be selected in the ‘Servo mapping’
window. This option is at the bottom of the window and if it is click
the field will turn to green. If this green field is then clicked with
the right mouse button a window will open which is similar to the
‘Configuration servo’ window. Please refer to the Gyro handbook
for more details.
A servo curve with a fixed value of -26%.
11.4 Monitor
To simplify setting up your model we have incorporated a func-
tion called ‚Monitor’. If this window is opened you will be able
to see a graphic illustration of all of the transmitter functions and
servos. All of the relevant information, for example the pulse rate,
voltage, Gyro function and Failsafe position will be displayed and
by moving your transmitter sticks you will be able to see exactly
how each servo will react. Clicking onto the window ‘Monitor’ will
open a matrix with 22 to 30 fields which represent the outputs or
your 2.4 Dual FHSS 12 – 22 R series receiver.
Each field shows how a receiver output has been programmed. The
order in which they appear follows the same order as the receiver
outputs and in the lower right hand field is an explanation of the
information which is displayed.
Explanation of the information displayed in the ‘Monitor’ window.
The following information is displayed, from top to bottom:
The servo name
Single servo or servo group (master A or B, slave A or B)
Voltage for this servo (4.8 or 6.0 Volts)
The pulse rate with which this servo is driven
The nominated gyro channel for this servo (Axis 1)
The nominated gyro channel for this servo (Axis 2)
The mixer rate for up to 5 channels
The details regarding the mixing rates and the gyro functions (Nor-
mal mode, Heading Hold mode and Combined) can be found in
the handbooks ‘Handbook Special Gyro’ and ‘Handbook Special
Mixer’ respectively.
The green bar which can be seen in left hand column (see illus-
tration below) shows the actual servo position from 100% to
+ 100% to the red shaded area. If the transmitter stick or control
is moved the green bar will sink or rise to indicate the movement
of the servo.
Failsafe marker
Servo 10 has a red bar in the horizontal field which shows the
Failsafe position (Channel Failsafe). Servo 11 has a red bar in the
vertical field which shows the Failsafe position (Servo Failsafe)